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Runners Trigger Point Massage

Why should runners consider adding trigger point massage to their training regimen?

Incorporating trigger point massage into your training regimen can have many benefits for runners, including help alleviate pain, reducing muscle soreness, improving flexibility and range of motion, enhancing recovery, and preventing injury.

Most Used Runners Muscles

What muscles do runners use the most ?

Runners use a number of muscles throughout their body, but some of the most important muscles used in running include:

Quadriceps: These are the large muscles at the front of the thigh, responsible for extending the knee and propelling the body forward.

Hamstrings: These are the muscles at the back of the thigh, responsible for flexing the knee and helping to absorb shock as the foot strikes the ground.

Glutes: The gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus muscles help extend the hip and maintain stability in the pelvis and lower back.

Calves: The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are responsible for plantar flexion (pointing the foot downwards) and propelling the body forward.

Core muscles: The abdominal and lower back muscles help maintain good posture and stability during running.

Hip flexors: The iliopsoas muscle is responsible for lifting the thigh towards the torso and is used in the running stride.

Shins: The tibialis muscles on the front of the shin help lift the foot and prevent the ankle from collapsing inward.

These muscles all work together to create a smooth, efficient running stride, and training and conditioning these muscles can help improve running performance and reduce the risk of injury.


How to Massage the Most Used & Injured Muscles at home ?

Use a massage gun or lacrosse, tennis or golf ball on the X in the below links to self release trigger points. Your Muscles Love Moist Heat use a Towel large enough to wrap area of stffiness & / or pain. Wet Towel and wring out the excess water place in microwave for 2 mins (Be careful do not burn yourself) Wrap area and do the range of motion of the muscle you are work on.

Most Common Runner Injuries

What are the injuries runners are more susceptible to? Runners are susceptible to a variety of injuries, including:

Plantar fasciitis: This is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot. It can cause pain and discomfort in the heel and arch of the foot.

Runner's knee: This is a general term for pain around the knee, usually caused by overuse or misalignment of the knee.

IT band syndrome: This is an inflammation of the iliotibial band, a thick band of tissue that runs along the outside of the thigh. It can cause pain on the outer knee.

Shin splints: This is a general term for pain along the shinbone, often caused by overuse or overloading of the muscles and bones in the lower leg.

Stress fractures: This is a small crack in a bone, often caused by overuse or repetitive impact. Stress fractures are common in runners, especially in the feet and legs.

Hamstring strains: This is a stretching or tearing of the muscle fibers in the hamstring, often caused by overuse or a sudden forceful contraction.

Achilles tendonitis: This is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in the body that runs down the back of the lower leg. It can cause pain and discomfort in the heel and ankle.

These injuries can be prevented or reduced by proper training, conditioning, and equipment, as well as by listening to your body and not pushing yourself too hard. If you experience pain or discomfort while running, it's important to rest, recover, and seek treatment as needed to prevent further injury.


How Neuromuscular Therapy can help you ?

How Runners benefit from Trigger Point massage

Running can put a lot of stress on the muscles, and trigger point massage can be beneficial for runners in several ways:

Reduced muscle pain and soreness: Running can cause muscle pain and soreness, especially in the legs, hips, and lower back. Trigger point massage can help relieve pain and soreness by releasing tension in tight muscles and reducing inflammation.

Improved flexibility and range of motion: Tight muscles can limit your flexibility and range of motion. Trigger point massage can help improve both by loosening tight muscle fibers and breaking up adhesions.

Enhanced performance: By reducing muscle pain, soreness, and tightness, trigger point massage can help runners perform at their best. Improved flexibility and range of motion can also help runners move more efficiently, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall performance.

Preventative maintenance: Regular trigger point massage can help prevent future injuries by identifying and addressing muscle imbalances and imbalances in your running form.

Faster recovery: Trigger point massage can help speed up recovery time after a run or workout by improving circulation, reducing muscle soreness, and decreasing inflammation.

It is important to note that trigger point massage should be performed by a professional massage therapist who is experienced in working with runners. This will ensure that you receive the most benefits and that your massage is tailored to your specific needs and running goals.


Book Your session today and lets create a plan to get your out of pain, get your range of motion back and prevent injury.



Pain has a pattern. When you come in for your session there is no guessing what soft tissue is contributing to your pain we are well verse in the pain patterns of the body. Your nervous system is the command center for your body the nerve trunk that supplies a specific joint also supplies the muscles of the joint, as well as the tendons, skin and related muscles. This complex system regulates your body’s systems & guides almost everything you do and allows you to experience your environment. The nervous system holds the key to the body’s incredible potential to heal itself. Click on the image below to find the muscles that are causing your pain.

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